Bloody face of revenge


The recent bloody attack by terrorists in Karachi sends a stark message that the attackers do not believe in the PPP slogan i.e. democracy is the best revenge. Rather they believe in tit for tat. The scores of drone attacks in tribal areas of Pakistan that result in the deaths of not only targeted men but also innocent women and children in large numbers have incited the wrath of terrorists to create mini earthquakes of 1.3 richter scale by bombs of 1000 Kg detonated on the surface of the earth. This much too prolonged war with our own nationals is counter productive and we must get out of this syndrome of front lines state in this war of attrition for which we have paid dearly in life and property. It would be better to take a reconciliating posture to strike peace deals with our tribal brothers who are citizens of Pakistan as this mayhem cannot go on any longer as enough is enough.

