The IDP birds


The despicable act of smuggling rare and endangered species of birds to far off territories for petty gains shows clearly our emotional degradation and how clever we have become to trade anything and everything including humans as well. Cruel is the manner in which these birds are dealt with as they are displaced and dislocated from the climate and geography that the Lord assigned to them that is instrumental to end their flights of freedom. That they would adapt to foreign climes in due time, which they would do eventually, is pointless.

The point is that our clever plans make our own lives dull and colorless while deserted and barren become our trees, mountains and skies. The once populous Asian ring necked parakeet population was the sight for sore eyes and the source of immense joy for children, has almost ceased to exist in most areas in Pakistan. Whereas, they now enjoy a life of peace, health and seclusion in Europe where they are multiplying and adding sparkling color to the once dull horizon as their population has grown over fifty thousand in England alone.

Now falcons, hawks and other such birds that had once been symbolic of strength, glory and grandeur are nowhere to be seen these days, thanks to our scheming ways. Will there ever be an end to this displacement of birds, animals and humans to foreign lands that are forced out for personal profits and a general loss.

