Meddlesome or Activist?


The truism everything is political is truer in Pakistan then any other country in the world. The ongoing saga of the pro-active and preemptive measures of our Judge Sahiban show that even the office that is supposed to be the most apolitical office, has also been politicised to an unacceptable extent. Juridical activism, judicial independence and other such jargon is thrown around to confuse the public and to justify actions that do not suit the honorable office of the apex court. I think that even though the executive is not totally exonerable in this case, the government does have a point when it says that the judiciary is over-stepping its bounds. A place where the sphere of the executive is already limited by an all-powerful military, an over-excited judiciary will cramp it into a corner. The government is after all rightfully elected and represents the will of the people. The judges will do well to keep in mind that at the end of the day, that is the underlying principle that they are attacking.

