The Pakistani wedding for dummies
A concise introduction
The Pakistani weddings are great affairs provided you are blessed with infinite patience. Even better if you are not weighed down...
Role of students in society
Society is a group of people who commonly share values, requirements and interests. Student is an important pillar in building and educated society as...
Pakistan’s major problems and their solutions
Keeping democratic institutions strong
Pakistan has faced major challenges in its socioeconomic situation over past seventy years. However, not all problems have been overcome....
An open letter to Ben Affleck
Your heart was in the right place, but…
Dear Ben,
I am writing to you today as a woman who was born and raised in Islam....
Council of Islamic Ideology declares women’s existence anti-Islamic
Islamabad - Sharia Correspondent: The Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) concluded their 192nd meeting on Thursday with the ruling that women are un-Islamic and that their...
Social stratification
It is a system whereby people rank and evaluate each other as superior and on the basis of evaluation reward with one another with...
“Wato Izzo Mantasha Wato Zillo Mantasha”
God gives honour to whom He pleases and dishonour to whom He pleases
The phrase “Wato Izzo Mantasha Wato Zillo Mantasha” is from Surah Al-Imran...
Sufism in the subcontinent
The spiritual dimension of Islam
It may seem ironic to many that throughout Islamic history the voices against religious fundamentalism did not come as much...
Media landscape in Pakistan
Freedom and responsibility go together
It is rightly said that press (media) and a nation rise and fall together. The media as a fourth...
Pakistan and 3D printing: A tale of success
Indigenously Produced Low Cost 3D Printer
3D printing has been around since the last two decades but was kept under wraps through patents. The moment...
Problems of generation gap
Generations, despite any day and age, have their set mind and rules which invariably are difficult to mend. We all think of kids to be like soft clay, and by the time they grow up, the society in which they stay largely constitutes their upbringing. The rest is determined by the norms that they all live by.
Generation gap is the major reason today why parents and children are moving away from each other. As we all know, the environment has changed, so the life style and with that
Generation gap is the major reason today why parents and children are moving away from each other. As we all know, the environment has changed, so the life style and with that
Globalisation and Pakistani culture
Ours is a hybrid culture
Globalisation is deeply related with various issues including “the spatial reorganisation of production, the interpenetration of industries across borders, the...
Kafiristan’s ‘Muslims’
Their tale of communal love, harmony and peace
By Hassnain Malik
We used to go to whichever village in Chitral, made a list of the...
Risks of playing hardball with opposition
PM needs to walk a fine line
One had hoped that a 48-hour respite from a strenuous schedule would cool down the strung-up Prime...
Lack of education is adversely affecting girls
Education is the right of every human but unfortunately in Pakistan women are still deprived of education. For a prosperous society a role of...
Myth of normalcy in IOK
The agony of the Valley continues
Notwithstanding the fact that the world at large has not endorsed the Indian action regarding Indian-Occupied Kashmir, expressed...
Another machination of India
Doing it now with maps
By Rameez Mahesar
History shows that India has always been flaunting its malevolent behaviour towards Pakistan. Until now, it has...