Two Koreas pledge to restore road, rail links


SEOUL: The two Koreas on Wednesday held a symbolic groundbreaking ceremony for reconnecting and repairing roads and railways across the divided peninsula, with the North calling on the South to push through joint projects despite sanctions on Pyongyang.

The connection of railways and roads is among a series of measures aimed at improving bilateral ties agreed upon in September by liberal South Korean President Moon Jae-in and the North’s leader Kim Jong Un.

Seoul stressed that the ceremony would not herald the start of actual work on reconnecting and modernising links between the two Koreas — which remain technically at war after their 1950-53 conflict ended without a peace treaty.

A South Korean Unification Ministry spokesman described it as a mere “expression of a commitment”, adding that construction would depend on “progress on the North’s denuclearisation and circumstances concerning sanctions”.

But the North’s top railway official Kim Yun Hyok reiterated Pyongyang’s stance that the South stop toeing the US line on maintaining sanctions on the North until it gives up its nuclear weapons.

“If (the South) keeps looking around to check someone’s mood and continues wavering, reunification would never be achieved,” Kim said at the ceremony at the Panmun railway station in the North’s border city of Kaesong.

Moments later, some 10 delegates from both the South and the North lined up along the railroad and pulled yellow levers to link up the railway tracks in a symbolic gesture.