IMF chief innocent


The cat is now out of the bag. It seems that all accusations against the former head of IMF Mr Strauss-Kahn could come to nothing in the coming days because the creditability of the lady who was accusing him of rape seems to be questionable after her contacts with criminals became public and she was caught receiving considerable amount of money in her bank accounts. It seems the whole story was a plot hatched against Mr Strauss-Kahn who is known to be a firm defender of the Euro and was on his way to negotiate details of a bail-out for Greece when the accusations hit him. Well, Europe has managed the bail-out of Greece without Mr Strauss-Kahn who lost his job in this ghastly story. The Euro is rising and plans of those who may have had sinister designs with regard to the European money that is challenging the world-wide lead of the dollar seem to collapse.


Frankfurt, Germany