Political unrest


At last, the MQM has decided to break up political coalition with the PPP as a reaction of postponement of elections on two seats for Legislative Assembly of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK). Also Governor Sindh Dr Ishrat Ul Ebad has resigned from his seat. This state of affairs is not good for the city of Karachi.

The MQM has always been included in the governments as it is a political force with some magnitude in Sindh. As it is expected that Zulfiqar Mirza will take the charge of Chief Minister Sindh, MQM seems in more of a mess as Mirza is considered to be their nemesis. He has previously exposed various activities of MQM.

No problem if Mr Zardari has changed Bilawal’s name but where has the slogan “roti, kapra aur makan” gone? After listening to Mr Zardari’s first speech, people thought that good days might be at hand but unfortunately the whole Pakistan was engulfed with inflation, energy crisis, and price-hike in petrol, CNG, LPG, poverty, unemployment and termination from jobs and so on. Political parties are just playing their dirty games and nobody is sincere with Pakistan. It is time to wake up from slumber and vote new politicians in as they do deserve a chance.

