Cabinet rejects discretionary grant for provincial ministers


The Punjab Cabinet which met at Civil Secretariat on Wednesday under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif unanimously rejected the proposal for enhancing the annual discretionary grant for provincial ministers in view of ongoing austerity campaign in the province. The meeting gave partial approval to amendment in the Punjab Weights and Measures (International System) Enforcement Act, 1975 while approved amendment in the Disposal of Land by Development Authorities (Regulations) Act, 1998 and amendment in Punjab Government Rules of Business 2011. The annual report of Punjab Public Service Commission for the year 2010 was also presented in the meeting while a detailed briefing was given regarding promotion of e-governance in the province.
Addressing the cabinet, the Chief Minister said that Punjab government praised the next financial year’s budget. He said that loans will be offered to the youth under self-employment scheme while 20,000 yellow cabs will be distributed. Moreover, he said, 0.1 million computers will be gifted to talented students. He said that Provincial Ministers, Assembly Members, Chief Secretary, Chairman Planning & Development, Secretary Finance and the entire team made commendable efforts in preparing an excellent and balanced budget and now there is need for collective efforts and hard work to achieve the targets of the budget and Annual Development Programme. The Chief Minister appreciated the decision to unanimously reject the proposal to enhance the discretionary funds of provincial ministers from Rs.3 lakh to Rs.5 lakh and said that the government has promoted austerity and simplicity and ensured transparent utilization of every penny of public money.
Short measuring an
offence: He said that short-measuring is a major offence and Labour Department should ensure that weights and measures are accurate. The Chief Minister also issued instructions for reviewing the amendment regarding licensing for weight and measures and presenting it in the next meeting. Appreciating the efforts of Chairman Punjab Information Technology Board for the promotion of e-government in the province, the Chief Minister said that e-government is the need of the hour which will not only improve efficiency of government departments but better services will also become available to the people. He directed Chairman Punjab Information Technology Board to evolve a comprehensive roadmap within next eight to ten days for provision of loans and yellow cabs to the youth and computers to the students and consolidating health and education facilities. He appreciated the performance of Punjab Public Service Commission regarding recruitments. He said that PPSC should fully adopt information technology so that candidates from Rahim Yar Khan, Attock and other remote areas should not have to take the trouble of traveling long distances and all information should be available to them online. He issued instructions to PPSC to immediately start the process of recruitment of lecturers and asked them to ensure transparency.
Earlier, Secretary Labour, Secretary Housing and Secretary I&C gave briefing regarding amendment in the Punjab Weights and Measures (International System) Enforcement Act 1975, amendment in Disposal of Land by Development Authorities (Regulation) Act 1998 and amendment in Punjab Government Rules of Business 2011 respectively. Chairman Punjab Information Technology Board briefed the meeting regarding role of e-government in online admission system in colleges, database of livestock farmers, improvement of agri-marketing information system and medicine inventory management system. He said that free service will be provided to students under online admission system to colleges while use of information technology in Agriculture Department will improve agri-marketing and result in better facilities to cultivators. Chairman Punjab Public Service Commission while presenting the annual report for the year 2010 informed that 178247 applications were processed, 20 thousand candidates were interviewed while 4500 were recommended for appointment during the year.
After the meeting the Punjab chief minister examined the cars under the yellow cab scheme and approved it.