First-ever barbershop opens in GB’s Darel area


ISLAMABAD: Whether we believe it or not, the first-ever barbershop has opened in Darel, Sub Division of District Diamer in Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) with the intervention of district administration on Monday.

Previously, there was a ban on opening a barbershop in the area.

According to a letter sent to Diamer deputy commissioner, Sub Division Darel assistant commissioner, the administration was informed that on July 30, at about 2 pm the first ever barbershop was opened in the subdivision.

“Jama Masjid Ghumari’s khateeb was also present on the occasion. The notables and people of the Darel appreciated the efforts of administration and ulema in changing the typical attitude of non-acceptance of barbershops in Darel,” the letter, a copy of which is available with Pakistan Today said.

According to locals, there was a ban on barbershops imposed by religious clerics terming their services anti-faith. No one had taken the risk of opening a barbershop despite its demand. People, especially the youth, had to visit Chilas or other areas of the district for haircuts as shaving and cutting the beard are considered haram (forbidden act) in the area.

Some parts of Diamer district had been declared sensitive on religious grounds.