Noora kushti


We are a nation that faces many problems, but we see that our top leaders are not sincere in solving the problems but about playing blame games.

The rate of unemployment is climbing, power outages are increasing, target killing has become part and parcel of our life, but who bothers to look to the solutions of these problems. The issues relating to the public have just become political football.

By making provocative statements against each other, President and Co-Chairman of the ruling party Asif Ali Zardari and chief of PML-N, the party ruling Punjab which has more than half of the population of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif, they are just distracting the people from their daily problems – of consumer goods, almost vanishing electricity, sky rocketing price hike etc.

It would be naïve to expect any good coming out from these repeatedly tested politicians and their parties. But we, the common people, should not be fooled by them any longer. We should look for some new faces and parties in the hope that they would bring about a semblance of governance in the country.

