Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry on Friday said the performance of the lower judiciary was not satisfactory, as corruption and delays in case proceedings had damaged the trust of people in the judiciary. He called upon all the stakeholders in the judicial system to ensure providing speedy justices in the country and eradicate the problems of delay through effective implementation of the National Judicial Policy (NJP).
He was addressing a meeting with the chief justices of provincial high courts and judges of the Sindh High Court (SHC) to examine effective implementation of the National Judicial Policy. The chief justice said the National Judicial Policy provided a path for reforming the administration of justice across the country in order to achieve the goal of expeditious and inexpensive justice for all.
“The policy articulates strategies for the independence of judiciary, eradication of corruption, clearance of backlog and quick dispensation of justice.” The chief justice said particular attention needed to be given to timely disposal of criminal cases, especially the cases of under trial prisoners languishing in jails.
“Urgency has been accorded to cases involving violation of fundamental rights and restraint on liberty/freedom of individual. Certain categories of cases, having close nexus with economic development and good governance, have been prioritised in the policy,” he said, adding that it included disputes pertaining to trade, commerce, investment, taxes and duties.
Most respected Chief Justice sahib.
By the grace of Allah give,you give hope to nation.May Allah give you great health to guide judiciary and country to greatness.I would request you to please impose,implement Islamic punishments to few corrupt officials in lower judiciary or generally otherwise{cutting of hands).You will see Insha Allah what yiou intend doing immediately,it will happen otherwise our overall corrupt system around us will frustrate your great efforts.GOD bless you.
lower judiciary is as corrupt as senior judiciary..!
Bon Courage Sir!! Finding a Brave Judge is much tougher than finding a Yahoo suicide bomber. God Speed
This Chief Justice is intellectually corrupt. He has double standards. Performance of higher judiciary is much worse but the Chief Justice is blaming lower judiciary. He took suo motu notice on Attiqa Oddho’s wine bottle issue but ignored the issue of Raymond Davis and many others. Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry is against extensions and contract appointments of superannuated government officers but appointed his friend Khalil Ramday as Adhoc Judge of Supreme Court after Ramday retired from Supreme Court. Registrar of Supreme court is also on extension. There is no law for this Chief Justice. His son’s case is much worse than the case of Justice Dogar’s daughter. He misused his authority to get his son inducted in the service of federal government. He is mixed up with certain politicians and is playing politics. If person of such weak integrity is our Chief Justice then God help Pakistan.
Chief Justice Iftikhar Ch. is criticising lower judiciary inorder to hide the failings of higher judiciary. Asma Jahangir has recently said that judicial appointments in higher judiciary are not being made on merit. When your own house is not in order you critise others. Similarly Nawaz Sharif has to criticise the PPP government and Imran Khan is criticising both PPP and PML. Every politician must appear to be righteous and criticism of others is a necessary tool for such appearance. Media is also a great critique of everyone. The Chief Justice is playing politics because intellect is not his strong point. An incompetent Chief Justice or Judges or politicians must play blame game to hide their weaknesses.
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