Karzai welcomes US pullout schedule


US President Barrack Obama’s announcement regarding the troop pullout from Afghanistan led to wide ranging uncertainty amongst the Afghans, as a majority of them are unhappy and believe it could take the already war-ravaged country back to late 1990s like situation.
President Hamid Karzai said,” Afghan youths would come up for the safety and security of their motherland.”
And the Taliban, through its spokesman, termed it a “symbolic decision on the part of US administration”.
Common Afghans believe the US decision could enable regional and neighbouring countries to resume the “proxy war” on Afghan soil.
Some of the circles, unhappy with US-led allied troops’ involvement in collateral damage, were in jubilation.
Soon after Obama’s announcement regarding the US pullout, President Hamid Karzai told reporters that “we welcome and support this schedule. I am hopeful that Afghan youths would go for the security of the motherland”.
He said during the pullout of US troops from Afghanistan, the Afghan security forces could be made capable for maintaining law and order, adding that the decision could be in the interest of Afghanistan. Former foreign minister Dr Abdullah, who is considered a staunch rival of President Karzai, called Obama’s decision an indication of “distrust in President Karzai’s government”.
He said President Karzai government’s image was at stake both internally and externally, adding that the US troops’ pullout could lead to further crises in Afghanistan.
According to the Afghan media, the Tehreek-Taliban Afghanistan called the US president’s announcement a “symbolic advancement”.
The spokesman said this announcement confirmed that the US had faced defeats and hardships, therefore, “now its troops are on escape from Afghanistan”.