NAB effect

  • Too quick on the draw?

NAB has done its own reputation a world of harm at a time when the ruling party is going out on a limb to discredit it as an ineffective, controlled organisation in light of the corruption cases against Nawaz Sharif. It turns out that the Bureau had announced launching the investigation into Nawaz’s alleged money laundering to India – to the tune of $4.9b – on a news item that turned out to be fake. Not only did the Bureau do zero homework before jumping the gun, it also completely ignored State Bank clarifications from two years ago, which clearly rubbished the allegation.

That the Bureau could take a step of such significance without following even the most basic rules of preparing a case is startling, to say the least. This action betrayed unusual, and unprofessional, haste which will put a question mark on its actions and give the N-league a field day, especially so close to the election. Prime Minister Abbasi’s strong-worded speech in the House the other day, alleging that NAB had overstepped its limits, will most likely be echoed at most PML-N rallies from now on. In trying to get ahead of itself, then, the Bureau has breathed fresh life into the PML-N narrative of ‘Nawaz the martyr’.

There can be no complacency in the working of an institution so sensitive and important as NAB. The ongoing drive against corruption, however limited in scope for the time being, is crucial for democracy to survive and thrive in Pakistan. Corruption and money laundering has bled the exchequer to the point that we can no longer get fresh loans fast enough to pay back interest payments on old loans. Unless drastic and urgent steps are taken, it is not long before the threat of default will hang over our heads. And the first step in stemming this tide is coming down hard on all those involved in corruption. NAB must immediately pull its act together or risk more than just its reputation.