Thalian Housing Project not feasible, PAC told


The Ministry of Housing and Works has handed over the inquiry report of disputed Thalian Housing Project to Public Accounts Committee (PAC) which would be debated in next meeting of the committee.
On the suspicion of alleged corruption, PAC Chairman Syed Khursheed Shah had constituted a sub-committee under the supervision of Sardar Ashiq Gopang. The other members of the committee include Senator Azam Swati and Raja Javed Ikhlas.
On Tuesday, Sardar Ashiq Gopang informed the meeting that sub-committee has completed its work and compiled the report in this regard which has been submitted in PAC secretariat and requested to debate on it.
Senator Azam Swati through his letter told PAC that corrupt mafia of Ministry of Housing and Works was going to launch this project in collaboration with private company.
PAC sources said that it has been recommended in the report of sub-committee that Thalian Housing Project was not feasible as there was no land required for this housing project and this project was being completed while violating the rules and regulations. The court verdicts in this regard were also cited in the report.
It is worth mentioning here that NAB was already going to conduct an inquiry against Housing Minister Akram Khan Durrani in allotment of plots worth billions of rupees.