Kurdish-led forces vow to foil Turkish campaign in Syria’s Afrin


The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said Sunday that it will keep fighting to thwart the Turkish-led military campaign in Afrin in northern Syria.
The Turkish army has used all its military capabilities and weapons, including the prohibited ones, but failed to advance into Afrin, the SDF said in a statement.
The intense Turkish airstrikes and shelling have killed and wounded hundreds of civilians and dozens of fighters since the operation started 14 days ago, it added.
Hundreds of Turkey-backed rebels have also been killed and wounded during the military showdown in Afrin, the statement noted.
Meanwhile, the SDF pledged to retake the areas captured by the Turkish army and its allies of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and al-Qaida-linked groups on the outskirts of Afrin.
The Turkish military campaign against Afrin started in January, aiming to eliminate the Kurdish forces on the Syrian-Turkish border.
Despite the Turkish heavy strikes on the positions of the SDF and the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, no concrete progress has yet been made except for a few towns taken by the Turkish army and its allied Syrian rebels on the border area.


  1. The only reason for all the troubles the humankind brings upon itself is its defiance of the recipe Lord Almighty gave mankind. The recipe to live in peace.
    The recipe for every soul is to is to rid itself of “Arrogance & Avarice” then come to organise coming together of everyone, regularly in the localities where people live. Come together to work together to make Udl wul Ehsahn a commonly found habit and practice among the people. Upholding of justice while conducting their business by consulting everyone has also been laid down by the Lord. Lord made it the duty of every soul to work individually and collectively to banish vice and promote virtue.
    Do we see every soul doing so? No. There is not much evidence of such a thing happening. So why will we not see the triumph of Satan everywhere? Everywhere children of Adam can be seen to be relishing killing children of Adam.

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