Shooting in central Italy targets foreigners from Africa


A man has been detained after at least four people were injured by a shooting from a vehicle in the central Italian town of Macerata on Saturday.
Police said a suspect was held two hours after the shooting began at about 11 a.m.local time. Local reports said a second person may have also been in the car.
Local media said the shooting appears to be racially motivated and the mayor of Macerata, the town in the region of Marche some 200 kilometers northeast of Rome, has urged local residents to stay indoors.
During the drive-by shooting, at lest four people were injured and all the victims are people from Africa, according to local media.
Local newspaper Corriere della Sera said schools were put into lockdown and residents warned to stay inside after shots were fired in the city center from a dark-colored car.
The number of victims has not been officially confirmed, but ANSA news agency said they are all black people. In Macerata, killing of a young Italian woman happened earlier this week, her remains were found in two suitcases. Police said the key suspect is a Nigerian immigrant.
ANSA said witnesses reported that Saturday’s drive-by car was seen in the area where the woman’s body was found.
Local police did not give the exact number of victims in Macerata, which has a population of 43,000.