Former gymnastics coach tells Nassar to ‘go to hell’ during sentencing


MICHIGAN: A coach who sent more than 100 girls to Larry Nassar for medical treatment told the former USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University team doctor to “go to hell” in court on Wednesday.

Thomas Brennan, a former gymnastics coach, attended Nassar’s second day of sentencing in East Lansing, Michigan. Nassar abused many of the young women Brennan coached.

Brennan stood next to a gymnast he used to coach, Gwen Anderson, as she gave an emotional victim impact statement in court.

“I am a middle school teacher and I teach kids,” said Anderson, who decided at the last minute to break her anonymity and read her statement herself. “Every single day I am reminded how young and defenceless we were when Larry Nassar assaulted us… We were just kids.”

Nassar, 54, has sat through dozens of victim impact statements since Tuesday morning, often times openly weeping. During Anderson’s statement, however, Nassar didn’t seem to be listening as he scribbled notes in a notebook.

“Look at her!” Brennan yelled at Nassar during the young survivor’s statement.

After Anderson finished, Brennan looked Nassar directly in the face and said, “For the record, go to hell.” When Judge Rosemarie Aquilina asked if Brennan would like to add anything, the former gymnastics coach stepped up to the mic.

“I’ve probably sent well over 100 kids to him over the years. So the guilt I feel for that is hard to fathom,” said Brennan, who is currently an exercise physiologist. “He didn’t only deceive these girls ― which is, honest to God, that’s the worst of the worst is what he did to these girls. … But what you did to everybody else who trusted you and sent girls your way is disgusting, reprehensible, unforgivable.”

Brennan thanked Aquilina for letting him speak and added that “it’s more about her,” gesturing to Anderson.

Aquilina, who has spoken after every survivor’s impact statement, reminded Brenna that the “blame lies solely with the defendant.”

Nearly 100 victims and family members are slated to give impact statements this week during Nassar’s sentencing hearing on 10 counts of first-degree sexual misconduct. The former physician is already serving a 60-year sentence on child pornography charges.