D-8: Aviation Chiefs Conference starts today in Islamabad


ISLAMABAD: Two-day Aviation Chiefs’ Conference of D-8 countries will begin here today (Monday).

Pakistan’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has finalised arrangements for the event.

Civil Aviation Chiefs from Developing-8 countries, including Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey, will participate in the conference.

Various sessions will be held to discuss aviation challenges in D-8 countries and prospects of future cooperation in this field.

The participants will also discuss the value of aviation and state of the industry, task force on safety, drone safety and regulation.

The event would provide the participating countries with an opportunity to learn from each other’s experiences, and evolve a future mechanism for cooperation and enhanced connectivity.

D-8, also known as Developing-8, is an organisation for development cooperation among the following countries: Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey.

The establishment of D-8 was announced officially through the Istanbul Declaration of Summit of Heads of State/Government on June 15, 1997.

The objectives of D-8 are to improve member states’ position in the global economy, diversify and create new opportunities in trade relations, enhance participation in decision-making at international level, and improve standards of living.