Pakistan and its problems


In an article written by a foreign journalist, a few months after Obama became the US President, it was revealed that Obama’s policy regarding Pakistan would be problematic. What followed in the last three years very much proves that point.

As we notice now, a coordinated psywarfare being carried out almost simultaneously by the US and Western media. Isn’t it strange that all these print and electronic media appear to have a common aim to belittle and malign Pakistan? And it’s odd to find no official denials or counter actions being taken by our media and the government.

A number of articles are being written by some of our learned defence analysts, including one written by General Jehangir Karamat’s Spearhead organisation which appeared in your issue of 24th May. But, there is something lacking in our official response. Even the electronic media while trying hard to be the first to report just blindly follow what the foreign media feeds them, for instance the 02 May US heli-attack on OBL’s hide-out. And our Parliament’s Resolutions are just hollow Resolutions. What matters is what the President or PM wants or are directed by USA to do. Is it a true democracy? The democratic USA doesn’t care two hoots for our Parliament. Senator Kerry needs to talk to one man and that is enough for the latest resolution.

Our leaders must wake up. They must take stock of the happenings in the past few years and ensure that the enemy from within and outside do not succeed in the future. Our enemies use our people who due to greed or other incentives execute their dirty plans. Few things go a long way in having an adverse effect on our security such as the unwitting issuing of visas by our embassy in Washington to CIA operatives. Only one operative, Raymond Davis, bungled. But what about the rest? Let’s hope that our security agencies keep a strict watch on such elements but given their recent record, that might be too much to ask.

