PFA to ban banaspati ghee by 2020


LAHORE: The Punjab Food Authority (PFA) has decided to place a complete ban on the production and sale of banaspati ghee by 2020.

The decision came after a meeting was held by the PFA’s scientific committee.

The use of banaspati ghee leads to According to experts, as large amount of trans-fatty acid and nickel are used in the industrial scale preparation of banaspati ghee, the use of it can lead to obesity, diabetes, mental, cardiac diseases and cancer.

According to PFA Director General Noor-ul Amin Mengal, the amount of oil and ghee that a Pakistani uses annually is 18 kg, whereas, a European only uses a fraction of the said amount — three per cent.

Unfortunately, looking at the widespread usage of banaspati ghee across the country, curbing let alone eliminating use of it seems to be an uphill task.