Palestinian politician sentenced to six months in jail by Israel


Khalida Jarrar, a Palestinian politician and human rights activist, has been sentenced to six months of administrative detention by an Israeli military court in a ruling on Wednesday.

Jarrar was arrested from her home in a pre-dawn raid at the beginning of July by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah. She is a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council.

A court hearing on July 17 is expected to affirm her administrative detention sentence, which is a form of internment without trial or charge that is subject to indefinite renewal.

Jarrar, 54, was previously imprisoned for 15 months before her release in June 2016.

Israel had charged her with offences relating to her activism and membership of the leftist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – which Israel considers a “terrorist organisation” – and had accused her of inciting violence.

Prisoner rights group Addameer, of which Jarrar is the vice-chairperson of the board of directors, released a statement following her most recent arrest calling for her release.

“The arrest of Khalida Jarrar constitutes an attack against Palestinian political leaders and Palestinian civil society as a whole,” the statement said.

“It also constitutes one arrest in the context of continuous arrest campaigns against Palestinians.”

In a statement after Jarrar’s arrest on July 2, the Israeli army said that her arrest was not related to her position as a member of the PLC, but to her activities within the PFLP.

At least 13 Palestinian politicians are currently imprisoned in Israeli jails.

At least nine of them are being held without charge under administrative detention, according to the Palestinian Prisoners Center for Studies.