Ansar Abbasi’s bizarre concerns about KP education dept’s ‘gay’ new logo


Dubious stats, self-congratulatory behaviour over nothing much to show, an over-eager media team. Out of all the things the KP Education department could be criticised for, senior journalist Ansar Abbassi has chosen a bizarre non-issue to do so.

The KP government has not long ago introduced a new logo for their Elementary and Secondary education department. The logo shows a series of concave curves coloured green, blue, yellow and red.


The logo is innocent enough with nothing conspicuous about it other than the bright colours. Those too are justifiable given that it is a logo for the education department of elementary and secondary education. After all, it has generally been known that children are fond of bright colours.

The logo has however caused a stir on twitter with people expressing their outrage over the seemingly harmless logo. People are seemingly worried about what the rainbow implies. The minds of these social media warriors lead automatically to claims that the rainbow stood for the LGBTQ+ pride flag.

Senior journalist and Editor Investigations of The News International  Ansar Abbasi is one of these people. He re-tweeted the claims of the new logo being a Hindu-Zionist-terrorist-American-neo imperialist project saying “really dangerous if true.”

Ansar Abbasi apparently knows that he is prone to sharing things that may get him in trouble shich is why in his twitter bio he has explicitly stated “re-tweets are not endorsements.” However his being ‘disturbed’ by a rainbow is definitely an endorsement of a nonsensical fear of primary colours and a rampant case of homophobia.

And while these people may have perhaps missed that indigo and violet were missing from the logo, what was strange was the insistence that any combination of primary colours cannot be used in an innocent context. Even the initial outraged tweet had made some tall claims comparing the logo to those used in Britain to create awareness about LGBTQ+ issues. Something completely unrelated to the KPESE department’s new logo.

All that put aside however, even if one were to accept that LGBTQ+ were ‘concerning,’ they should have plagued Ansar Abbasi and co for some time. Because by the same logic, there are a number of others involoved in the same conspiracy as the KPESE department.







  1. Very funny.These people have gone mad just because they are against Imran Khan they would say anything and everything.

  2. Ansar Abbasi must see first the logo of other Pakistani companies like Hum TV, Panjab TV etc. When ppl say these journalists are lifafa brothery then they agitate, PTI ppl are ill mannered and they can’t tolerate criticism. It clearly indicate you Ansar Abbasi like journalists are biased. So you have to be categories as yellow journalists.

  3. Why KP govt copy such type of Logo from LGBT?????
    Some thing wrong at the bottom.

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