Blast from the past: Imran Khan never ‘wanted’ to become a politician


Imran Khan’s love for attention is no secret to any of us. From the countless dharnas that he has staged to the constant whining that we’ve been subjected to ever since 2013’s general election took place, we can easily conclude that the kaptaan (as they like to call him these days) means business.

He recently won PTI’s intra party polls (no surprises there) but it seems that there was a time when it seems, politics was no where near his agenda (at least apparently).

We accidentally stumbled upon an old old picture doing the rounds on the internet, and we were in for quite a surprise. The picture is from 1994 (around 23 years old!) with Imran Khan gracing the cover of what looks like an Urdu daily magazine.

But that’s not all, it’s actually the caption of the picture which is a bit ‘enlightening,’ if you may.

The caption says, “I do not want to become a politician. Politics have become too expensive and party politics have divided the whole nation.”

Wait, whaaaaaat? Yes, we know. We were surprised as well.

Now, we get that time changes a person and change is the only constant in life, and all other cliched statements we hear about change. But to become so carried away with bringing about ‘change’ that you actually start calling yourself the ‘prime minister’ of a country when a prime minister is already in place, or actually going ahead and storming the PM’s office is a bit out of place, no?

One can’t help but think, what if things had turned out differently, what if Imran Khan had not just ‘changed’ his opinions and had just stuck to being the good philanthropist that he started out as?
