Civil-military rift


The issue of Bin Laden had already created problems for the Pakistan military and civil establishments, and the Zardari government seems happy, because the President has managed to turn all pressure of the international community on the Army and ISI, widening the already existing chasm between the Zardari regime and the military establishment.

The United States and India are clearly targeting ISI & Army. Some say the situation resembles that of 12th October 1999 (the post-Kargil scenario) as the civil government left the military in a lurch by not defending it in the backdrop of the Kargil debacle. It seems this time too the military leadership took the blame of OBL-related intelligence failure keeping in view its desire to have cordial relations with the civilian administration, and giving the impression without an iota of doubt that the military does not aspire to meddling in civilian affairs. But the statement of the Army Chief shows that he means business. His warning was strongly-worded, and he meant every word. There is a need for government to keep the military on the same page and share the blame of its side because there are still a number of questions left unanswered.

