Underage driving: A major cause of road accidents



An increase in underage driving on motorcycles has been a cause of many accidents which is a grave concern and demands the relevant authorities’ attention.

The motorcycles are easily sold to minors who drive them without even a learners’ permit leading to these accidents, and cherry on the top is that there are no orthopaedic doctors available in the district, who can tend to the injured, instead they are referred to hospitals in Karachi and Hyderabad. Because of the delay in the proper first aid treatment most of the injured die.

The other cause of an increased number of road accidents could be overpopulated roads

A lack of implementation of the policies regarding the selling of motorbikes to the minors and driving without learners’ permit are also contributing to fatal road accidents.

The government needs to enforce a ban on underage driving, selling of vehicles to minors, and orthopaedic doctors should be made available in the district to save lives.