Trump in the Middle East


Bull in a china shop



So, finally, the most unpredictable US president goes to the world’s most volatile region when it is suffering its worst catastrophe in living memory. But already it seems Trump has set himself an agenda that contradicts with itself as he prepares for his tour of Saudi Arabia and Israel. So far everybody from the Levant to the Gulf had been holding their breaths. Saudi had even begun a soft rapprochement with Iran. But then the US state and defence secretaries, as if only to undo the Obama administration’s thaw with Tehran, declared Iran enemy-number-one in the region in no uncertain terms. Watch the Kingdom become more assertive as soon as Trump shakes hands with the sheikhs.

After Riyadh Trump’s off to Jerusalem, which is where he promised – on the campaign trail – to move the US embassy; in addition to turning a blind eye to Israel occupying further stolen Palestinian land, of course. Guess where that leaves the poor Palestinians. Also, what about his promise to take the fight to ISIS? If he’s siding with Saudi against Iran, and backing Israel to the hilt, then he’s hunting for the key players keeping ISIS from regrouping in Syria. Iran is central to the Syrian-Russian-Iranian nexus holding Damascus together. And Israel bombs the Syrian army and Hezbollah militia, two of the front-line forces locked in ground contact fight with ISIS.

As the trip brings joy to Riyadh and Jerusalem, it also brings hope for ISIS. If Trump follows through on some of its promises, ISIS will get all it needs to break free from the stranglehold in Syria.