CDA to auction 80 residential and commercial plots


The Capital Development Authority (CDA) is all set to auction 80 residential and commercial plots located at prime locations in the federal capital. These plots would be auctioned in three days open auction which would commence from May 16, 2017 and will conclude on May 18, 2017 at Jinnah Convention Centre.

A high level committee has been constituted to supervise three days auction proceedings.

During the first day of three days auction, 37 residential plots located in developed sectors would be presented for auction on the first day i.e May 16, 2017 while auction of 43 commercial plots of different categories would be held on May 17and May 18, 2017.

Commercial plots which would be presented for auction are of different categories including 24 plots for Class-III shopping centers. Out of these plots, two plots located in sector F-6/2, one in sector F-8/3, one in sector G-10/3, one in sector G-11/2, two in sector D-12/2, two in sector H-11/4, one in I-11/1, one in I-11/2, two in I-14/1, three in I-14/2, one in I-14/3, two in I-14/4, one in sector I-16/2 and four class-III shopping center plots located in sector G-11/4 will be open for auction.

Similarly, nine commercial plots of different marakiz including two plots of F-11 Marakiz, three plots of Markaz D-12, two plots of Park Enclave-I and two plots of Blue Area will also be open for auction. Similarly, one plot of diplomatic enclave for apartment purpose and one economy flats plot of sector G-11/3 will be included in the auction as well. During the upcoming auction, two plots meant for hotel purpose located in Markaz G-11 and I-8 would be presented for auction. Moreover, three petrol pump plots located in Markaz G-11, Mauve Area and Park Road would be also presented for auction. Furthermore, one auto mobile workshop plot in sector I-10/3, one timber market plot located in sector I-11/2 and one plot in Orchard Scheme Murree Road will also be presented for auction.

Residential plots which would be presented for auction are located in sector G-10/2, F-11/2, D-12/3 and D-12/1.

Mayor of Islamabad and Chairman Capital Developmet Authority (CDA) Sheikh Anser Aziz has constituted an auction committee headed by Member Finance Dr. Haroon Aziz, while Member Planning and Design Asad Mehboob Kiyani, director general finance, deputy director general estate, deputy director general (law), director public relations, director regional planning, director urban planning and director estate management-ii are members of this committee. The committee will submit its recommendations to CDA Board which is the competent forum to approve the bids.

Sheikh Anser Aziz directed the concerned formations to make proper arrangements to facilitate the people participating in the upcoming auction.