Imran Khan endorses Waseem Akhtar’s demands for devolution of powers


KARACHI: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan has fully endorsed Karachi Mayor Waseem Akhtar’s demand for devolution of powers.

He was addressing the business community in Karachi. He also criticised the Sindh government for bad governance, nepotism and incompetence. He said that local body governments in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa already have the powers that Akhtar is demanding. He said that it was unfortunate that while elections were held in Karachi, powers were not transferred to lower level.

He said devolution of powers was essential to resolve issues facing the city of Karachi. He pointed out at the state of sanitation in Karachi, saying the city is now buried under dirt. “In Karachi Waseem Akhtar says he has no powers, however, KP’s mayor will not say he lacks powers,” he said.

Criticising the police system of Karachi, he said Inspector  General Sindh Police looks up to the KP police system and wants that in his department.

He said his party’s government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa appointed an honest IG (Assad Durrani) who ensured that recruitment is done on merit. 5000 policemen were removed from service as they were hired on a political basis.

“The more the tax increases the more incidents of theft and robbery will increase in the country,” he said, adding traders are not even ensured security in the country.

“The country cannot prosper, where traders are under constant threat of their children being kidnapped.”


While talking about the work his party has done for the region, Imran said Galiyat, near Abbottabad, has started to look like Europe.