Pakistan wants result-oriented talks with India on Kashmir: FO


ISLAMABAD:  Foreign Office Spokesperson Nafees Zakria Saturday said Pakistan wanted a meaningful, sustainable and result oriented dialogue with Indian on Kashmir issue.

Pakistan had initiated a composite dialogue with India in the past but the latter had not shown seriousness to resolve the issue, he said while talking to PTV.

He said Pakistani and international media had made headlines on Kashmir issue to highlight Indian atrocities and barbarism on innocent Kashmiris.

Nafees Zakria said one million Indian troops and paramilitary forces were present in Kashmir.

“We cannot initiate talks with India in such worsened circumstances in the valley,” he added.

He said international community had been putting pressure on Indian authorities to stop cruelties on the people of Kashmir.

He said Pakistan had highlighted Indian atrocities on innocent people of Kashmir at international forum, adding it wanted immediate end to human rights violation and bloodshed in Indian Held Kashmir.

The spokesperson said India was trying to convert Kashmiris into minority and change demography of Kashmir by settling India retired officials in the Occupied valley.

He said Kashmiris were determined for their right of freedom, right to self determination as per resolutions of United Nations (UN).

Indian government had failed to protect basic rights of minorities in India, he said.


  1. He said Kashmiris were determined for their right of freedom, right to self determination as per resolutions of United Nations (UN)…………..
    The liberal west, champion of freedom, democracy and human rights, does not believe these virtues apply to the Kashmiris or Palestinians. These decades old problems are political leverages in the hands of the west to exploit, any solution between Pakistan and India will end this leverage on both, to the detriment of the west and its vested interest.

  2. I don’t feel pleased to say but I must. No one I repeat No one from present disposition should be permitted to hold talks on Kashmir. They will sell out.

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