From Russia with Love


By invitation this time


The irony of Pakistani and Russian officers in a huddle in North Waziristan, pouring over the fortunes of our own war against terrorism, could not have been lost on those even remotely familiar with the so-called anti-Soviet jihad of not so long ago. So much war has changed so much in this wretched border land that old enemies are turning friends just as old bargains are imploding. And the possibility of commerce, as well as military cooperation, has been so increased by the connectivity provided by CPEC that much greater partnerships are now being considered.

One of them, as we are fast learning, is inviting the Russians close to those warm waters that we once thought they wanted to take by force. The warmth with Moscow began showing in ’14, when we agreed to buy some of their Hind helicopters to use in the tribal area. Since then not only has the bilateral equation improved, but the overlap between the Russia-China arrangement and Pakistan-China embrace is fast resulting in a new security/trade pact in the region. One that might also wrap up the Afghan endgame to everybody’s benefit; in the right way this time.

This opportunity has not just helped Pakistan escape the isolation that India tried so desperately to impose upon it but, more importantly, it allows it to become relevant again; especially in Afghanistan. All three countries have suffered from terrorism, and all eye increased, mutually beneficial commerce. Hopefully everybody has learnt enough from the mistakes of the past not to repeat any of them.