NAB chief repeats vow to eliminate corruption




National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Chairman Qamar Zaman Chaudhry said the eradication of corruption is the top priority of the NAB.

He said NAB’s proactive anti-corruption strategy remained successful in nabbing the corrupt. “NAB has signed MOU with China to oversee and ensure transparency in CPEC projects.” “NAB has geared up to perform its national duty by adopting zero tolerance policy across-the-board to eradicate corruption from the country.”

He said that NAB during the tenure of the present management, NAB has filed corruption references in respective accountability courts against corrupt persons and recovered Rs 45 billion in only two and half years which was a remarkable achievement of NAB.

He said that NAB during the last 16 years has received about 3, 38,499 complaints from individuals and private / public organizations which all were processed as per law. During this period, NAB authorized 11,442 complaint verifications, 7528 inquiries, 3810 investigations, filed 2761 corruption references in respective accountability courts and overall conviction ratio is about 76 percent. NAB has recovered Rs 287.415 billion from corrupt and deposited in the national exchequer.

He said that NAB was national apex anti-corruption agency which has been assigned to eradicate corruption from the country.

During the tenure of present management, NAB’s regional offices increased from five to eight in order to address peoples complaints related to corruption. In order to overcome shortage of staff, NAB has recruited through NTS 104 officers from BS-16 to BS-18 on merit and not a single appointment is challenged by any candidate at any legal forum which shows merit and transparency ensured by the present management of NAB. Moreover, NAB has promoted 137 officers on merit and seniority during the tenure of present management. NAB has established Internal Accountability System within NAB to weed out inefficient officers. NAB initiated action against 83 officers. Out of 83 officers, 34 officers were given minor penalties while 23 officers were dismissed from service on the basis of misconduct etc.