EPA completes environmental profile of KP




Environment Protection Agency (EPA) has completed environmental profile of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and the document will soon be available in book shape.

“We have updated the environmental profile of KP on basis of primary data obtained through collecting 1165 samples and conducting around 14825 tests,” informed KP Director General Dr Bashir Ahmad here on Friday. Dr. Bashir said KP was the first province which had already made its environmental profile and updated it.

The environmental profile has been jointly prepared by EPA and JERS Engineering Consultants Lahore with technical support from SUPARCO (Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission), he added.

The province had first prepared its environmental profile in 1993, but it was based on secondary data, collected through different departments.

The province has updated its existing environmental profile by on basis of primary data collected through inspection of 1165 samples. The document is prepared to highlight critical environmental issues for the province and was designed to assist as a reference and planning guide.

The profile was designed to give an analytical assessment of the environmental situation so that policy makers can infer their action and recommendations, he added.

Dr Bashir said during the survey, it was found that levels of air and noise pollution have been increased from previous levels obtaining around 20 years ago. The survey for collection of data was held in seven divisions of the province and in each division the divisional headquarters were selected for collection of samples.

Similarly, details were obtained from ten relevant departments including forest, wildlife, fisheries, education and C&W etc.