IS distributes pamphlets in Kurram Agency


The IS-Daesh militants have distributed pamphlets in Parachanar, headquarter of Kurram Agency, adjacent to Afghanistan border provinces of Khost and Logar.

The two-page printed pamphlet in Pashto language states, “With the blessing of Almighty Allah we [have] become victorious in Afghanistan and [are] now extending activities to tribal areas (Pakistan controlled). We will fight against Shia people in Kurram, Aurakzai, Hangu and Dera Ismael Khan.”

“We are in close contacts with fellow mujahideen who are determined to fight against infidels. We determined to clear the area of infidels.”

Besides short and summarised message, the pamphlet also has two pictures. One picture shows IS militants whereas the second one shows an IS militant beheading someone in public.

The interior minister and several other high-ups, both at federal and provincial governments, have claimed that there is no presence of IS in the region even when there have been reports of their presence in the country for over a year and a year.