WB, UNHCR assure full support to KP govt on Afghan refugees issue



The UNHCR and World Bank have assured to provide long term support to the KP Government in the provision of basic amenities of life, particularly in the areas which are affected by the decade’s long stay of millions of Afghan Refugees.

The assurance by both the organisations was conveyed to KP Ministers Atif Khan and Shah Ram Khan Tarakai in a meeting held here Friday morning.

Both the ministers briefed the high level delegations from Manila and Washington about the adverse effects of the long stay of millions of Afghan Refugees and also the internally/temporarily displaced populations (IDPs/TDPs) on the infrastructure, education, health, and environment, tourism, and communication sectors in KP.

They also informed the delegations about the PTI-led government’s efforts to eradicate the difficulties of the people at large. They informed that PTI had embarked upon long term planning for the Province which could bring about a long lasting change in the lives of the people there.

They informed the delegations in detail about the sector wise planning in education, health, tourism, infrastructure, environment and human development sectors. They were also informed that the longest stay of refugees in greatest numbers in history has badly affected every sphere of life in KP.

After detail deliberations, it was agreed that the concerned authorities of the Province will share the details of the proposed schemes in these sectors and work out the nitty-gritty of the assistance within a few days.