Operation to continue till last terrorist is alive, apex body decides


Sindh Chief Minister Muard Ali Shah has said the success of Apex Committee in restoring peace in the city was strategic partnership of Pakistan Army, Rangers and police and top of it was the will of his government.

“This strategic partnership worked well because of being on the same page in implementing National Action Plan and this operation would continue till the last terrorist exists.”

This he said while presiding over an special Apex Committee meeting convened to discuss the performance of the operation because two its senior members, Corps Commander Karachi Lt. General Naveed Mukhtar who had been posted as DG ISI and DG Ranger Major General Bilal Akbar promoted as Lt. General would relinquish their present positions to join their new assignments shortly, said a press release from CM House Tuesday.

The Senior Minister Nisar Khuhro, Advisors to Chief Minister Mola Bux Chandio, Murtaza Wahab, IG Sindh AD Khowja, Adl IG CTD Sanaullah Abbasi, Commissioner Karachi Aijaz Ali Khan, provincial heads of intelligence agencies and other concerned officers also present.

The chief minister said since the inception of the Apex Committee, two important members, the Corps Commander Karachi and the DG Rangers played an important role to work together with civil government and defined civil military working relationship in a new dynamic way.

“This working relationship translated into peace in the city,” he remarked.

Murad Ali Shah said when we had started this journey (Apex Committee) the law & order situation was very bad, there was unrest among the people of this city and terrorists, mafias and other criminals had established their sway in different areas.

He informed that now things had improved considerably, the government had won public confidence in our law enforcement agencies, business activities had started flourishing and most important events/days like Moharram, Chehlum, Chup Tazia, Ideas 2016, CPEC Trade Convoy, Rabiula Awal passed peacefully.

He informed that this credit goes to our political leadership, this forum in which decisions were taken with collective wisdom and implemented or being implemented in true letter and spirit.

The chief minister assured the Corps Commander Karachi and DG Rangers that the work they had left incomplete would be completed through this forum in which their successors would be with him.

“But I would need your support from the positions where you have been posted,” the CM remarked.

Briefing the meeting the Additional IG CTD Sanaullah Abbasi quoting CRSS quarterly security report said the crime rate had dropped down in Sindh considerably.

He added that Pakistan experienced a 19.4 percent rise in the number of fatalities from violence. Fata observed a 90.5 rise in fatalities, Punjab 52 percent, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa plus 19.9 percent, Balochistan plus 18 percent and Sindh minus 19.5 percent.

Home Secretary Shakeel Mangnijo giving presentation on implementation status of 17th Apex Committee meeting said the names of 4th schedulers being posted on Home dept website and shared with CM secretariat.

The IG would send his recommendation to the Ministry of Interior and national security agencies within next few days, he said.

The promulgation of Sindh Deeni Madaris Bill had been presented before the cabinet meeting and it had been referred to the sub committee. The Sindh government had requested the federal government to delegate the powers under foreigners Ordinance 1951 to Sindh police.

Disaster Management Authority was being strengthened. The exercise to identify the gaps to manage the disasters had been completed. The government had taken strict and focused measures to provide CPEC projects security.

The government had taken tangible steps for choking the financing of terrorist activities as well as flow of funds through hundi and hawala for which FIA was playing an important role.

The Corps Commander Karachi had been assisting Sindh police to establish Forensic Explosive lab. An expert from Pakistan Army was being hired with held of Corps Headquarters.

The Pakistan Rangers had carried out a combing operation against some networks involved in recruiting people for Syria and Iraq. The Sindh government was working to amend the criminal law for the admissibility of modern technology tools in recording of evidence. The draft amendments had been sent for the consideration of the cabinet.

The six ATC courts functioning at Clifton would be shifted to newly constructed courts inside the jail for which Sindh government would issue a notification.

The Home Secretary talking about Karachi operation said since last Apex Committee meeting (during last five week) no terrorism incident had taken place and no kidnapping case had been reported. He added that 26 extortion cases had been reported while while during corresponding period of last year 35 cases were reported. He said 18 target killing incident had been reported while they were 15 last year. On this, the chief minister directed the IG police to be strict in police patrolling and intelligence work.

The provincial heads of intelligence organisations said that the fire incidents, including in a hotel were on the rise and there may be some mischief for which they were working. The chief minister directed IG police to investigate into the other angles. “I am also doubtful that day in and day out fire breaks out in factories- what is this,” he questioned and directed him to investigate.

The chief minister on the recommendation of the intelligence organisations directed IG police to start operation against dacoits in the katcha areas of the Ghotki and adjoining districts.

DG Rangers Major General Bilal Akbar giving performance of his organization said the Rangers had arrested most important Al Qaida, TTP and leaders of other proscribed organisations.

He said Rangers had arrested 1474 terrorists, 9053 target killers some of them during investigation had confessed to have killed two to three persons and some had confessed to have killed 300 individually. He added that Rangers arrested 438 extortionists and 115 kidnappers.

On his recommendation the chief minister decided to launch operation against drugs mafia and those who under garb of religion were involved in sectarian killing.

The DG Rangers said some people had made the the communities hostage by installing barriers. The Rangers sorted them out.   He added “if go back to November 2012 there were 75 target killing in the month. Operation started in Sept 2013, there were 29 target killing in Nov 2013, in  Nov 2015 there were 12, and in November 2016 only 9 target killing,” he said and went on saying that Karachi can be made more secure if proper capacity building of the police is made.

Advisor to CM Mola Bux Chandio Chandio said the operation was started in a very difficult time and there were lot of anticipations and conspiracies (of imposing Governor’s rule} but all of them failed because we all are on the same page, he said.

Senior Minister Nisar Khuhro said that Karachi was being focused and termed as dangerous city in the world and with the grace of God and collective work of civil and military leadership now this city has turned peaceful.

Corps Commander Karachi Lt. General Naveed Mukhtar appreciating the efforts of the government said that the best achievement of the Karachi operation is the change in the life of common man. The results of government, Army, Rangers, police and intelligence agencies are very much clear on the ground for which Apex Committee deserves lot of appreciation.

He said we had travelled a long and could not return by making peace in the city sustainable.

Talking about the principles of the operation, the corps commander said the principle set while launching the operation include blood less operation and Alhamdullilah no bloodshed was reported anywhere from the city.

The other one was the hope that this forum revived the hope of the people and nobody backed out of it, the third was fear and we succeeded in taking out fear of mafias from the hearts and mind of people. The operation touched the untouchables and scared cows. This forum broke the myth that action was not being taken against the powerful [mafias] and this forum took action against them.

He added that this operation would be more successful if the police and administration are strengthened further. He also said why the city turned into a violent must be probed.

“We must learn from our mistakes and should resolve not to repeat those mistakes again,” he remarked.

He also said the operation against drug mafia was need of the hour and strict action against street crime be initiated but with proper planning. The Corps Commander appreciated the chief minister for recruiting around 12000 policemen on merit.

“Today I along with IG Police AD Khowja visited the army training centers where newly recruited policemen were receiving army training,” he said and added “I really found the police jawan energetic, vibrant and their morale was high.

If police force is expanded with 20,000 policemen appointed on merit the image and performance of the police would speak loudly, he said. He appreciated the former chief minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah, former Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad and former chief secretary and others officers for their effective role in implementing Apex Committee decisions.

Lt General Naveed Mukhat also lauded the chief minister for convening this special meeting to sum up the performance of the present apex committee and set new targets of operation with new vigour.

“I would be supporting you from the position which I would take over,” he said.

The chief minister said that he was working sincerely and round the clock to give peace and tranquility to the people of the province, particularly of Karachi. “This operation would continue from where you (corps Commander and DG Rangers) are leaving it,” he said and added the sacrifices our forces have made to make this city peaceful would not be allowed to go invain at any cost.

Latter, the chief minister presented Sindhi Topi, Ajrka and other gifts to the out-going Corps Commander Karachi and DG Rangers.