Ministries of Climate Change and National Food Security agree to greater coordination


Federal Minister for Climate Change Zahid Hamid called on Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research (NFSR) Sikander Hayat Bosan on Wednesday and to discuss improvements for the National Bio-safety Centre (NBSC) at the Ministry of Climate Change.

Minister Climate Change Zahid Hamid suggested increasing experts in the technical committee.  He said that these experts can be taken on deputation from the Ministry of National Food and Research or new recruits can be added.

The two ministers agreed to include provincial secretaries to make the NBSC more active. They also decided that senior authorities from both ministries ought to sit together and prepare recommendations. The report will be presented to both ministers by next week.

Pakistan is a party to the Cartagena Protocol on Bio-safety under the Convention on Bio-safety since May 31, 2009. As such, it is obligatory for Pakistan to devise implementation mechanisms for the regulation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their products.