India, Pakistan might skid into nuclear war, says expert


Growing tensions between India and Pakistan could send the neighbouring countries skidding into a nuclear war, a prominent political scientist has warned.

“It could happen, and it would be catastrophic for both countries,” Shooting for a Century: The India-Pakistan Conundrum author Stephen P. Cohen said. Tensions reached boiling point over the weekend when militants attacked an army base in the Uri area near the Line of Control on Sunday morning, leaving 18 soldiers dead.

A report published by New York Times  stated that the escalating tension presented a challenge to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi who has vowed to bring about an economic revival in the country which could only be attained through regional peace.

The report went on to quote former Indian-held Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah remarking that things in Kashmir had remained relatively calm since 2010. This, Abdullah said, made the Indian government believe that the turbulent days of the past were over.

The report also pointed to “warning signs” pertaining to rising unrest among young people in the region over the last two years. The killing of 22-year-old Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani by Indian forces in early July served as one such instance, sparking protests across the region.

“Wani should have served as an alarm bell for the government system,” The Wire editor Siddharth Varadarajan said“Why would a young man, instead of taking up engineering, adopt a course that any reasonable person would tell him would end up in death?” he said.

Separately, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday made a strong case for Kashmir during his address at the 71st United Nations General Assembly session. “Peace and normalisation between Pakistan and India can’t be achieved without the solution of Kashmir,” he said. “We should resolve our differences in Jammu and Kashmir. Talks are in the interest of both the countries,” Sharif added.

Ahead of the UN General Assembly session, the prime minister and Army chief General Raheel Sharif discussed different options in the apparent backdrop of ongoing hostility with India. Going a step further on Thursday, the Indian army moved heavy artillery to forward bases along the 778-kilometre Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir.



    • How innocent is indian army..tu tu tu..they fall in traps again and again. wow.. u indians are blind? can't see brutal killings of kashmiris? if such killings by indian army happen in any actual part of india, will you give same statement about protestors? I guess not.
      Anyhow ur words reflect u actually admire intelligence of Pakistanis. lolzzz…
      u need to re think.. #Humanity First.

      • How can a supported of Militant (Burhan), be called an innocent person, that too when they are throwing stones at security forces. Its defies logic.

        • O so, ppl rn’t even allowed to defend themselves… What u knw is they r protesting.. what u r missing is they r protesting for freedom… There is a fine line between a freedom fighter n terrorist… Our ancestors might as well were terrorists in the eyes of the British

      • Ms. Fatima, a state where civil govt dont have any control over army, somebody like Hafiz Saeed (head of Lashkar e Taiba) is revered, we have least of expectation to behave it responsibly. Pakistan is just keeping Pakistani people emotionally involved in Kashmir n keeping them away from any real progress. And yes, you wud have respect for Wani because it is part of your tradition to worship terrorists. Misguideds have to be handled and we know that.

      • u just bother what happening in pak.. not in Kashmir
        more then kash…. peoples are dying in PAK.
        PaK going to get end as rougue state very soon
        you have only one product to export .. that is called terrorism

      • What about 500000 pundits kicked out of kashmir in 1990 after rape and brutal murders by these muslims…they are paying for their sins …who is blind you or us? Do they or you thought humanity first when it happened to pundits?

      • Fatima your Pakistan should practice what your preach Humanity First. So show that example in Balochistan and let them be Independent as they were prior to 1947. Then preach India with moral authority.

        Currently Pakistani moral authority is comparable to that of woman from house of ill-fame to lecture housewives about fidelity.

  2. I suggest Paki army generals to keep their nuclear weapons in their ass. Unless Pakistan will be the first one to become a grave yard. There is no gurantee that India will not nuke Pakistan first.

  3. i don't know….how changed we are now…so much of hatred against us… bhai hum hindostaniyon ke kuch nahi bigada than too…iitna jahar….
    itihas ek bhugol ek…purwaj ek….lakin nafrat……..anaek 😉

  4. Pakistan and Indian People must not be trapped in Political victimization. Pakistan has a logical stance to hold referendum in Kashmir. India must let it go and win/loose kashmir. Peace is done. But, nobody can guarantee if referendum can bring peace. I see cold war in Kashmir after Referendum. But, we must let hings go step by step. REFERENDUM is 1st step.

    • Dear Zaheer,

      I believe the long dead UNSC Resolution 49 first requires Pakistan to fully withdraw from all of Kashmir. Following that India may be allowed to keep troops in Kashmir for its self defense. Then if these two conditions are met to the satisfaction of UN Observers, a plebiscite will be considered. Given that Pakistan has not fulfilled the first necessary but insufficient condition, a plebiscite cannot be held. It is worth your going to the UNSC website to check these facts.

      Secondly, there is no place for a free Kashmir under the Independence act. There was only a place for two nations; India and Pakistan, therefore the call by Kashmiris for Azadi is through the act meaningless, and neither India nor Pakistan wants that to happen.

      Thirdly, the Simla Agreement has overtaken the UNSC Resolution 49. It requires that both countries sort out ALL issues bilaterally. This is at least one of the reasons why there are now no takers for the Kashmir issue in the UN and other world forums.

      Pakistan made a mistake in 1947 when at least between Jinnah and the Indian leaders there wasn't the level of hostility that is seen now. In fact Jinnah kept his residence in Bombay expecting that he would be residing in both Karachi and Bombay and until 1963 people were going across the borders without visas. There was the expectation that we would be like the USA and Canada. Unfortunately Pakistan under Zia-ul-Haq made the Pakistani society, which was quite an open society into an extremist one. Pakistan which had so much promise slid into becoming an international pariah.

      Today Pakistan along with Saudi Arabia are fanning the thoughts of a return of the Caliphate and Pakistan is giving active shelter to ISIS elements in Afghanistan. It is now trying that experiment in Kashmir. Burhan Wani is just an expression of that larger game. The world sees through it and that is why Pakistan is not taken seriously anywhere.

  5. War is the ONLY way to solve this problem. India will not compromise on ONE inch of PoK – no matter what the price !!

  6. Abdul, Very Soon POK will be Indian territory. For Balochistan, you would require Visa. Thats Allah's will

  7. In 1971, Pakistan got pregnant and delivered Bangladesh with India as Surgeon….now it again became pregnant and soon deliver Baluchistan with same surgeon…… Pakistan don’t have guts to nuke India as it is afraid of being wiped out of world map. Kashmir won’t go to Pakistan in next 1 billion years and it will continue bleed because of evil design of Pakistan. Don’t expect China to assist you, it’s a far clever country than anyone could imagine and in the name of friendship they actually using Pakistani soil the way Americans did. Many more to learn for you people…..stay calm and watch the show of your downfall.

  8. In 80s , we sowed the seed of hatrated in the name of jihad in pakistan. We are harvesting the outcome of that sowing since last decade or so. Our enemy used our own creation against us. By the grace of God, we have survived the darkest period of our time. Now Mr. Modi sowing seed of hatrated in India. India will have to face it’s conciquence very soon. You Indians never spare Pakistan. So we are not expecting anything good from you.

  9. In 1971, Pakistan got pregnant and delivered Bangladesh with India as Surgeon….now it again became pregnant and soon deliver Baluchistan with same surgeon…… Pakistan don’t have guts to nuke India as it is afraid of being wiped out of world map. Kashmir won’t go to Pakistan in next 1 billion years and it will continue bleed because of evil design of Pakistan. Don’t expect China to assist you, it’s a far clever country than anyone could imagine and in the name of friendship they actually using Pakistani soil the way Americans did. Many more to learn for you people…..stay calm and watch the show of your downfall.

    • Mirwaz .. will u b around the next billion years… Pakistan Army doesn’t need assistance… The Pak army alone is enough for the world…. N plz kindly read WAR DESPATCHES…by LT-General Harbaksh Singh…u’ll knw wat u don’t knw

  10. What the indian public is failing to see is that their army is actually beating down regular ppl… average joe…

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