Over 150 injured in clashes in Indian-held Kashmir

  • Indian forces use teargas shells, pellets on protesters in Penjoora village of Shopian
  • Cable operators instructed to stop airing five news channels for inciting violence

In occupied Kashmir, the situation is as grim and tense today as it was 57 days ago when on July 9 a Hizbul Mujahideen commander was martyred by Indian troops in a fake encounter in Kukernag area of Islamabad.

Over 150 people were injured in firing of pellets and bullets by Indian troops on protesters in Shopian on Sunday morning.

Agitated people set newly built DC office on fire, Kashmir Media Service (KMS) reported.

The personnel of Indian police and paramilitary forces used brute force on participants of a pro-freedom rally in Penjoora village of Shopian. Forces used heavy teargas shells and indiscriminate pellets on the protesters injuring over 100 people, many of them critically.

On the other hand, several persons were injured in Islamabad district after Indian armed forces used force on an anti-India and pro-freedom rally in Fatapora Larkipora.

Fifteen persons were injured and many arrested as government forces tried to foil a freedom rally in Drubgam area of Pulwama district. The forces vandalised the venue of a proposed rally and beat whosoever came in their way. However, people came on streets to protests against highhandedness of the men in uniform. Pellets were also fired on them. Later, men in uniform went berserk and smashed windowpanes of houses and ransacked households. They also arrested many people from the area.


In occupied Kashmir, in Ward No 20 at SMHS hospital, a young girl sat in a corner, tears streaming down her cheeks. “They have taken my brother again for some medical investigations. Nobody is telling us anything about his condition,” said Aisha while mopping her tears, as attendants in the ward huddle around to console her.

Moments later, 20-year-old Musaib Ahmad, writhing in pain, is shifted back to the ward on a stretcher. “Please help me! This pain is unbearable,” said Ahmad, a class 12th student. This was for the third time since Thursday afternoon when Ahmad, admitted to hospital with severe pellet injuries, that he had been taken for the CT scan. “Look what they have done to him,” said Aisha, adding, “His entire body is pitted with the pellet shots and drops of blood are still oozing out. His limb too is broken with pellets.”


Cable operators in occupied Srinagar have been directed by the district administration to stop airing five news channels in Jammu and Kashmir for allegedly “inciting violence”, reported a news agency.

The diktat came when authorities claimed that the programmes broadcast by these five channels had led to a law and order problem in the Valley and promoted “enmity against the sovereignty of the state”.

According to the order issued by Srinagar District Magistrate Farooq Lone, these cable operators transmit programmes that promote hatred, ill-will, disharmony and a feeling of enmity against the sovereignty of the state. Besides, these programmes have caused feeling of prejudice to the maintenance of harmony and public peace.

The five channels facing the order are Gulistan TV, JK Channel, KBC, Munsiff TV and Insaaf TV. The channel authorities, however, said the order was a violation of the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act 1995.

Doctors said Ahmad has pellet injury in his kidney causing Hematuria, a condition where blood leaks into urine, Kashmir Media Service (KMS) reported. Besides, the doctors said “some pellets” have also gone inside the chest of the youth, resulting in hemothorax, a condition where blood fills the chest cavity resulting in shrinking of lungs. “More than 300 pellets have hit his back, limbs besides vital organs have been damaged,” doctors treating him said.