Pak, Romania to explore vistas for defence cooperation


Pakistan and Romania have agreed to explore potential for enhancing cooperation in defence sector with special regard to defence production.

An agreement was reached at various meetings held between a Pakistani delegation headed by Minister for Defence Production Rana Tanveer Hussain and Romanian leaders belonging to defence, economic and defence production sectors.

According to a press release issued on Tuesday, a delegation from Pakistan is currently undertaking a five-day official visit to Romania. The Pakistani delegation held meetings with Romanian Secretary of State, Ministry of Economy Neculai Banea and General Manager of ROMARM National Company, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Relations with the Business Environment Constantin Croitoru.

Pakistani Minister for Defence Production Hussain expressed his desire to further strengthen bilateral relations with the Romanian defence industries.

The minister emphasised the need of regular interactions between the two countries. He mentioned that there is a potential for joint collaboration in defence production which may be explored.

The minister also offered the products and services of Pakistan Defence Industries to Romania. He highlighted that Pakistan values strong bilateral relations with Romania. The minister also appreciated Romania’s support for Pakistan at various international forums. He shared with the host about Pakistan’s commitment to combat terrorism, extremism and militancy.

The sacrifices made by the people of Pakistan and its armed forces remain unparalleled, he said, adding, “Our priority is relief and rehabilitation of the internally displaced persons in their own areas and reconstruction of these areas.”