JI chief seeks nation’s support for making Pakistan Islamic welfare state


Hoisting the national flag atop Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) headquarters in Mansoora to mark the 70th Independence Day on Sunday, JI chief Sirajul Haq urged the nation to support JI in its efforts to build Pakistan as a true Islamic welfare state according to the vision of Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Thousands of people, including the Mansoora staff, JI workers, youth and those attending the JI central workshop attended the ceremony charged with emotions and enthusiasm.

Terming Pakistan as a part of paradise and the mother’s lap, the JI chief declared, “We would defend this homeland at the cost of our lives.”

“I want a Pakistan wherein the rich and the poor would have same facilities of education, health and employment, and where all citizens get justice from courts. We will build such hospitals that if the rulers had heart problem next time, they could be treated within the country instead of in London,” the JI chief said.

Sirajul Haq said that Allah has blessed Pakistan with best combination of weathers and a nuclear status. He said the future of Pakistan is bright and is linked with Islam. He said that those who want Pakistan to be secular state should shift to some other country. He said that after the state of Madina, Pakistan was the first state that came into being in the name of Islam.

He said thousands of men, women and children had sacrificed their lives for this Muslim homeland. However, he said, that soon after the demise of Quaid-e-Azam, Pakistan fell into the hands of secular and liberal people who did not have any ideology nor were they aware of the goal before the founding fathers. He said these rulers had betrayed the nation and the country’s ideology. As a result, the country lost its eastern wing and was drifted away from the goal of Islamic revolution.

The JI chief likened Islamabad with a graveyard of living bodies having no sign or warmth of life. He said the enemies of Islam and Pakistan had encircled the country from all sides and added that India wants to play with the solidarity of the country. All the four provinces and major cities are gripped with fear and despair. The cities and towns are experiencing bloodshed and the people are disappointed, the JI chief said.

He said that if the rulers did not mend their ways, the country could face some major tragedy again.

Srajul Haq said that the Kashmiris were fighting the war of Pakistan’s completion and survival. They have sacrificed their lives for independence and are facing Indian tanks and guns with pieces of stone. He assured the Kahmiris of full support, and said soon a time would come when the people of Srinagar and Islamabad would celebrate independence together.