No sacred cows


Plugging loopholes

There is no doubt that Pakistan army under Gen Raheel Sharif has shown unprecedented determination to uproot terrorist networks which challenge the writ of the state or target innocent people in the country. After initial reluctance, the PML-N government too followed suit albeit indulging in foot dragging at times. There is however another aspect of the situation also which cannot be ignored or swept under the carpet. Despite the highly commendable determination shown by the army leadership, major incidents of terrorism have taken place during the Operation Zarb-e-Azb in all the four provinces. The terrorists are constantly on the lookout for an opportunity — someone nodding off or looking the other way — to hit with full force, causing a national tragedy.

Pakistan no doubt needs unity at this crucial moment. The prime minister is right that Pakistan’s intelligence agencies are working day and night to defeat the designs of the country’s enemies. The major terrorist incidents however indicate there are loopholes that need to be pointed out and plugged. It is worrisome therefore that after the Quetta carnage a mudslinging campaign was initiated against politicians and by implication against the government. It was perfectly in order on the part of Mahmud Khan Achakzai to protest at the intelligence failure and demand action against the personnel found napping. There is a dire need to locate and remove the weaknesses in the system that allow the terrorists to get away with their crimes. Ch Nisar must not hide behind security agencies to cover up the interior ministry’s own failures vis-a-vis the implementation of NAP.

National unity is no doubt a befitting response to the terrorists. But much more is needed to meet the challenge. One hopes that the tragic incident would lead to the strengthening of intelligence mechanism between the federation and provinces to facilitate the flow of information. Further there would henceforth be what the prime minister calls ‘seamless coordination’ between law enforcement agencies and among provincial governments and the federal government.