10-yr old Indonesian boy is world’s fattest child


A 10-year-old Indonesian boy is dubbed as the world’s fattest child.

Arya Permana has been put on an emergency diet after doctors warned his extreme obesity is threatening his life.

Arya, from the village of Cipurwasari in the Arawang Regency, weighs 192kg – approximately 30 stone. His ballooning weight has left him unable to walk, forcing him to stop attending school. He has taken to wearing a sarong after his parents were no longer able to find clothes that fit him.

fat boy

He frequently experiences shortness of breath and sleeps with his head leant against a wall to help him breathe – which has left him with a permanently bruised forehead.

According to local reports, people have been travelling from nearby villages to view the boy dubbed “the world’s fattest child”.


Arya currently eats five large meals a day – although his mother, Rokayah, told reporters she had been left “confused” after a doctor declared Arya was “healthy” during a recent hospital check-up.

She also said she’d been told there were “no problems” with her son’s health, and that she’d been unable to get a clear answer when trying to determine a reason for Arya’s recent weight gain.


During Ramadan, Rokayah said, Arya has been fasting for the first half of each day like many children his age. His attempts to fast until sunset were abandoned early in the holy month when he started experiencing stomach pains.