Eight HEC research fellows going abroad disappeared


As many as eight research scholars going to Europe on a government scholarship have disappeared.

According to details, the Higher Education Commission (HEC) had sent these professors and research fellows abroad under university’s scholarship programmes to conduct research in various programs, including engineering and science in Germany and natural science in France and Austria respectively.

The national exchequer had to face a total expenditure of approximately Rs 13.6 million over it. The high-empower committee has directed the HEC to recover the funds and fine from these research fellows and officials who have disappeared.

“The HEC has purchased different items illegally, including furniture, tractor, IT equipments and machinery worth Rs 8.7 million from the funds allocated for research purpose,” the report added.

The report further said that a high-level inquiry of the items purchased using the funds allocated for research purpose will be conducted and responsibility is being fixed in this regard.


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