World Blood Donor Day


Every year World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) is observed globally on 14 June, an annual celebration meant for expressing gratitude to blood donors who save lives by donating blood. It is a fact that every second, there is someone who requires blood. But unfortunately, though every year more than 20 million units of blood are required, only 12 million units come off the blood bank’s shelves via voluntary donations. Transfusion of blood helps save millions of lives every year. Due to unavailability, many people lose lives in times of accidents, emergencies and complicated surgeries. The situation in government hospitals is the worst. The worst sufferers are the poor who run from pillar to post for blood and pay heavily for it. Safe blood supplies are still a scarce commodity especially in developing countries despite about 92 million yearly blood donations worldwide. In many countries, demand exceeds supply, and blood services face the challenge of making sufficient blood available. Though people are aware of the importance of donation, most are reluctant to donate. Voluntary blood donation should become our ethos. Give freely; give often – because blood donation matters.

