Khabaristan Today (Satire): But you also have heart condition, defensive PM tells his doctor


    Our Mian Sb Correspondent



    A heated exchange took place between Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his cardiologist Dr Ivan Harris at the Wembley Institute of Health in London, when the former was informed of his worsening heart condition on account of lack of exercise and failing to adhere to a healthy diet.

    “But you also have a heart condition and don’t follow a diet,” Sharif is said to have told the senior doctor. “How can you say this to me?”

    “When I pointed out to the prime minister that though what he was saying was, indeed correct, but that it was still not relevant to his case, he started getting really agitated,” said Dr Harris. “Which, I would have you know, makes the heart condition worse.”

    “Then, he started uttering phrases like ‘politics of the 90s’, which I really did not understand,” continued Watson. “What does that mean? Is this some reference to his medical history? If not, then what does that have to do with anything?”

    The issue got worse when the Pakistani defence minister, Khwaja Asif, reached the hospital and started saying how overweight and unfit Dr Harris was and how people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones at others. “I’m not throwing stones. I’m doing my Goddamn job,” said Harris.