India’s ‘menstruation man’ reinvents sanitary pads


Indian man Arunachalam Muruganantham has revolutionised the sanitary towel for millions of women in India.

When Arunachalam Muruganantham, realised that his wife was using old rags to deal with menstruation because she couldn’t afford sanitary pads. Muruga was shocked. But he also saw a chance to impress her. He decided to produce her sanitary pads himself. At first, it seemed a simple task: he bought a roll of cotton wool and cut it into pieces, the same size as the pads sold in the shops, and then wrapped a thin layer of cotton around it. He presented this homemade prototype pad to his wife and asked her to test it. The feedback she gave him was devastating: his pad was useless and she would rather continue using old rags.

Muruga started experimenting with different materials, but was faced with another problem: he always had to wait a month before his wife could test each new prototype. Muruga needed volunteers and had an idea where he might find them. He asked medical students at a university close to his village. Some of them actually tested his pads but they were too shy to give him detailed feedback. Left with no alternative, he decided to test the sanitary pads himself. He built a uterus using a rubber bladder, filled it with animal blood and fixed it to his hip. A tube led from the artificial uterus to the sanitary pad in his underpants. By pressing the bladder he simulated the menstrual flow.

Read more: Lahore’s BNU students cover wall with sanitary pads

Unfortunately, he began to smell foul and his clothes were often stained with blood. His neighbours soon noticed this. It was clear to them that Muruga was either ill or perverted. After a while, his wife couldn’t stand the constant gossip. She left him and went to live with her mother.

But Muruga didn’t give up. He knew why he was going through all this. During his research, he had learned that only ten to twenty percent of all girls and women in India have access to proper menstrual hygiene products. This was no longer just about helping his wife. Muruga was on a mission: to produce low-cost sanitary pads for all the girls and women in his country.

It took him two years to find the right material and four years to develop the right way to process it. Nearly six years after he began, Muruga came up with an easy-to-use machine for producing low-cost sanitary pads, priced at US$950, whereas imported machines cost over US$500,000.

Today he is one of the most renowned social entrepreneurs in India.

Courtesy Khaleej Times

Read more: Woman asks Mark Zuckerberg for ‘on my period’ button



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