Crunch time for Nawaz Sharif



Opposition’s options are not limited


The lure of induction into the cabinet has led to a competition between PML-N legislators over defending the prime minister’s position and providing answers to the seven questions raised by the opposition. The opposition had sent the queries to the prime minister who was supposed to answer them during his address in the National Assembly today. We are now told that Nawaz Sharif will speak before the House on some other day. According to the government’s game plan, he is to explain his position without going into details while the party’s MNAs will answer the opposition’s questions. The problem with most on the treasury benches is that they are more adept in needling the critics than persuading them through argument. Whatever answers they have provided so far through print or electronic media were either aimed at dodging the questions raised or constituted of counterattacks on the opposition. Compared to them, the opposition has a number of articulate legislators. The government has to realise that it cannot afford to dodge questions or make fun of its critics if it is to bring them around.


The prime minister might offer talks over the ToRs in his speech. With crucial stake holders keen to put an end to the confrontation at the earliest, the talks cannot go on indefinitely. Unless Nawaz Sharif is willing to offer major concessions to the opposition, there would be few takers on the other side. He needs to realise that while the government’s options are limited, the opposition’s are not. The opposition will make use of all alternatives at its disposal to keep the issue alive till the prime minister is made to give credible concessions. Failing to get any meaningful response, the opposition can once again boycott the Parliamentary proceedings – thus pushing the government into further isolation. If made desperate, the opposition could even join the sit-in proposed by Imran Khan. This would intensify the crisis. There is a need on the part of the government to resolve the issue without delay to ensure that the situation does not deteriorate.