Senate passes four bills including Offences in respect of banks (sp.courts) Amend Bill, 2016


The Senate on Friday passed four bills including Bill further to amend the offences in respect of banks(special courts) Ordinance, 1984 [The Offences in Respect of Banks (Special Courts) (Amendment) Bill, 2016], as reported by the Standing Committee.

The bill was presented by Minister for Law and Justice Zahid Hamid on behalf of Finance Minister Ishaq Dar.

The House also passed the Bill to repeal the Equity Participation Fund Ordinance, 1970 [The Equity Participation Fund (Repeal) Bill, 2016], as reported by the Standing Committee.

The Senate passed the Bill further to amend the Banks (Nationalization) Act, 1974 [The Banks (Nationalization) (Amendment) Bill, 2016, as reported by the Standing Committee.

Another Bill further to amend the National University of Sciences and Technology Act, 1997 [The National University of Sciences and Technology (Amendment) Bill, 2016 and as reported by the Standing Committee was also passed.

The House referred the Bill to amend the Islamabad Capital Territory Local Government Act, 2015 [The Islamabad Capital Territory Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 2016 and passed by the National Assembly to the Committee concerned.

A Bill to provide for the establishment of Deposit Protection Corporation, as a subsidiary of the State Bank of Pakistan and for the management and control thereof [The Deposit Protection Corporation Bill, 2016 was also referred to the Committee concerned.

The House also referred the Bill to provide for the creation of Security interests over moveable property and to establish a secured transactions registry [The Financial Institutions (secured transactions) Bill, 2016 to the Committee concerned.