Vintage car show at Royal Palm


LAHORE – A Vintage and Classic Car Exhibition was held at Royal Palm over the weekend in coordination with Vintage and Classic Car Club of Pakistan (Lahore Chapter). Around 30 vintage and classic cars were line-up for display.
The event turned put to be big attraction for the fervent car-loving Lahorites and it appeared the bug of vintage car motoring had really hit them.
Classics on display included 1949 Humber,1958 Austin Princess, Triumph Spitfire, Mg miget, Cadillac, Fiat, Chrysler, Chevy Impala, Chevy Belair, Chevrolet 1949 and 1959, Jaguar and Baimler, group of classic minicooper, group of classic Ford Mustang, group of Mercedez Benz 1950-60’s, group of Morris minor and group of VW beetles.
All these classics have been restored to their past glory and brought on the road for car lovers to see and admire and provided moments of bliss and ecstasy to hundreds of keen ones. Omer Mir, General Manager of the club said ‘these cars are heritage on wheels and each one has a story to tell, a part of the story being that they should not remain in homes’.