Shehbaz says doesn’t want to be PM, content with being Punjab CM


Punjab CM says political parties should give mandate to commission to reveal reality

Punjab Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif Friday urged all political parties to give mandate to inquiry commission on Panama Leaks to reveal the reality before the nation.

In an interview to a news channel, he said the independent, powerful, and neutral commission on Panama Leaks would be formed to investigate the matter of 200 Pakistani mentioned in Panama reports.

The government has contacted with retired judges of Supreme Court to carry out transparent inquiry on the issue, he added.

He said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has nothing to do with Panama Leaks as his name was not mentioned in the reports.

He said that some elite class, who had written off billion of rupees from banks, the inquiry must be conducted against them as well.

To a query, he responded if another London plan was being hatched against the democratic government by so called political leaders and it would be foiled as did in the past.

Development, prosperity and providing relief to the masses were top priorities of the government, he maintained.

He said,”I am Khadim of Punjab and don’t desire to be premier of the country.”

Shehbaz Sharif said that the government was having a huge mandate and it would carry on serving the people till next general elections in 2018.

Replying to a question, he said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s children were independent to set their business in any country.

He rejected the rumors of differences within Sharif family and said such rumors were old tactics of the opponents against his family.

Commenting on Zarb-e-Azb and Zarb-e-Ahan, he said the government and military leadership were on the same page regarding the operations, adding both leadership committed to complete elimination of terrorism from the country.

He said civil and armed forces had rendered sacrifices in war against terrorism. The martyrs blood would not go waste, he added.

Replying to a question, he said the Orange Line project was a people’s welfare project. It was a gift from our friendly country China.

He said the provincial government was focusing to upgrade transport, education, health and other projects. Some Rs 70 billion would be spent to provide clean water to the masses of the province, he added.